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Betain + Pepsin

Betain + Pepsin bei Fairvital | Unterstützen ein gesundes Verdauungssystem | Nahrungsergänzung aus Deutschland | Jetzt Bestellen!
Produktinformationen "Betain + Pepsin"

Betain und Pepsin: Natürlich vorkommende Komponenten des Magensaftes

Betain und Pepsin sind für die Verdauung der Nahrung und die Aufnahme der meisten Nährstoffe unerlässlich.

Betain in Hydrochlorid-Form (Betain HCl)

Das Betain in diesem Nahrungsergänzungsmittel von Fairvital liegt als Betain Hydrochlorid (HCl) vor. Betain HCl ist eine saure Form von Betain, die zu einem optimalen Säuregrad des Magensaftes beitragen kann. Die Verbindung ist ein Derivat des Nährstoffs Cholin. Das bedeutet, Cholin ist ein Vorläufer von Betain und muss vorhanden sein, damit Betain im Körper synthetisiert wird. Betain entsteht durch Cholin in Kombination mit der Aminosäure Glycin. Wie einige B-Vitamine, einschließlich Folsäure und Vitamin B12, wird Betain als sogenannter Methyl-Spender betrachtet.

Betain beeinflusst den Homocysteinspiegel

Betain gehört wie Methionin, Cholin und Inositol zu den lipotropen (fettanziehenden) Stoffen. Es kann Homocystein abbauen und auf diese Weise Blutgefäße, Nerven und Leber schützen.

Nahrungsmittel, die Betain enthalten

Reichhaltige natürliche Quellen für Betain sind Spinat, der circa 550 Milligramm Betain auf 100 Gramm enthält, und Rote Bete, die es eingelegt auf 220 bis 260 Milligramm bringt, sowie roh auf 130 Milligramm. Gefrorener Spinat enthält jedoch nur etwa 110 Milligramm Betain. Daneben sind Roggenmehl (150 Milligramm pro 100 Gramm) sowie Produkte daraus zur Betain-Versorgung geeignet.

Verdauungsenzym Pepsin

Berühmt wurde das Enzym durch die bekannte „Pepsi-Cola“, welche Caleb Bradham aus Pepsin und Kola-Nüssen herstellte. Pepsin ist für die Verdauung von Eiweiß zuständig. Die Proteine werden mittels Pepsin in kleinere Einheiten (Aminosäuren) zerlegt, die der Darm leicht aufnehmen kann. Findet diese Umwandlung nicht statt, kann es im Darm zur Gärung und zur Bildung von organischen Säuren kommen.
Da Pepsin in sehr saurer Umgebung, genauer bei einem pH-Wert von 1-4, seine Wirkung am effektivsten entfaltet, findet es im menschlichen Magen die besten Voraussetzungen vor.

Vorteile der Betain + Pepsin-Tabletten

  • unterstützen ein gesundes Verdauungssystem
  • tragen zum normalen Homocysteinstoffwechsel bei
  • glutenfrei, lactosefrei und fructosefrei
  • ohne Magnesiumstearat und Siliciumdioxid
  • 90 Tabletten für 1 Monat
Anwendung: Darm & Magen, Herz & Gefäße, Verdauung
Darreichung: Tabletten
Verträglichkeit: Fischfrei, Fructosefrei, Glutenfrei, Lactosefrei, Nussfrei, Sojafrei

Drei Tabletten enthalten:
Betain-HCL 1950mg
davon Betain 1487mg
Pepsin (*FCC 1:10000) 75mg

*Food Chemical Codex, Enzymaktivitätseinheit

Zutaten: Betain-Hydrochlorid, Füllstoff mikrokristalline Cellulose, Pepsin *FCC 1:10000 (aus Schwein), Baumwollsamenöl, Trennmittel Stearinsäure

Abmessungen der Tabletten  
Länge 23mm
Breite 10mm

Inhalt: 90 Tabletten

Erwachsene täglich 3 Tabletten auf die Mahlzeiten verteilt mit viel Wasser.

Nicht geeignet für schwangere und stillende Frauen.

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Attempt #
Warning: session_name(): Session name cannot be changed after headers have already been sent (500 Internal Server Error)

Symfony Exception

ArgumentCountError ErrorException

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Warning: session_name(): Session name cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

Exceptions 2


Show exception properties
ErrorException {#980
  #severity: E_WARNING
  1. {
  2. if ($this->isActive()) {
  3. throw new \LogicException('Cannot change the name of an active session.');
  4. }
  5. session_name($name);
  6. }
  7. }
  1. return $this->saveHandler->getName();
  2. }
  3. public function setName(string $name): void
  4. {
  5. $this->saveHandler->setName($name);
  6. }
  7. public function regenerate(bool $destroy = false, ?int $lifetime = null): bool
  8. {
  9. // Cannot regenerate the session ID for non-active sessions.
  1. return $this->storage->getName();
  2. }
  3. public function setName(string $name): void
  4. {
  5. $this->storage->setName($name);
  6. }
  7. public function getMetadataBag(): MetadataBag
  8. {
  9. ++$this->usageIndex;
  1. }
  2. $session = $master->getSession();
  3. if (!$session->isStarted()) {
  4. $session->setName('session-');
  5. $session->start();
  6. $session->set('sessionId', $session->getId());
  7. }
  8. $salesChannelId = $master->attributes->get(PlatformRequest::ATTRIBUTE_SALES_CHANNEL_ID);
  1. $this->priority ??= $dispatcher->getListenerPriority($eventName, $this->listener);
  2. $e = $this->stopwatch->start($this->name, 'event_listener');
  3. try {
  4. ($this->optimizedListener ?? $this->listener)($event, $eventName, $dispatcher);
  5. } finally {
  6. if ($e->isStarted()) {
  7. $e->stop();
  8. }
  9. }
  1. foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
  2. if ($stoppable && $event->isPropagationStopped()) {
  3. break;
  4. }
  5. $listener($event, $eventName, $this);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. /**
  9. * Sorts the internal list of listeners for the given event by priority.
  1. } else {
  2. $listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName);
  3. }
  4. if ($listeners) {
  5. $this->callListeners($listeners, $eventName, $event);
  6. }
  7. return $event;
  8. }
  1. *
  2. * @return TEvent
  3. */
  4. public function dispatch(object $event, ?string $eventName = null): object
  5. {
  6. $event = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  7. if (!$event instanceof FlowEventAware) {
  8. return $event;
  9. }
  1. ) {
  2. }
  3. public function dispatch(object $event, ?string $eventName = null): object
  4. {
  5. $event = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  6. if (EnvironmentHelper::getVariable('DISABLE_EXTENSIONS', false)) {
  7. return $event;
  8. }
  1. }
  2. $this->dispatch($nested, $name);
  3. }
  4. }
  5. return $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  6. }
  7. /**
  8. * @param callable $listener can not use native type declaration @see https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/42283
  9. */
  1. try {
  2. $this->beforeDispatch($eventName, $event);
  3. try {
  4. $e = $this->stopwatch->start($eventName, 'section');
  5. try {
  6. $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  7. } finally {
  8. if ($e->isStarted()) {
  9. $e->stop();
  10. }
  11. }
  1. */
  2. private function handleRaw(Request $request, int $type = self::MAIN_REQUEST): Response
  3. {
  4. // request
  5. $event = new RequestEvent($this, $request, $type);
  6. $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, KernelEvents::REQUEST);
  7. if ($event->hasResponse()) {
  8. return $this->filterResponse($event->getResponse(), $request, $type);
  9. }
  1. $request->headers->set('X-Php-Ob-Level', (string) ob_get_level());
  2. $this->requestStack->push($request);
  3. $response = null;
  4. try {
  5. return $response = $this->handleRaw($request, $type);
  6. } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  7. if ($e instanceof \Error && !$this->handleAllThrowables) {
  8. throw $e;
  9. }
  1. }
  2. public function handle(Request $request, int $type = HttpKernelInterface::MAIN_REQUEST, bool $catch = true): Response
  3. {
  4. if ($request->attributes->get('exception') !== null) {
  5. return parent::handle($request, $type, $catch);
  6. }
  7. if (!$request->attributes->has('sw-skip-transformer')) {
  8. $request = $this->requestTransformer->transform($request);
  9. }
  1. }
  2. $request = $this->duplicateRequest($throwable, $event->getRequest());
  3. try {
  4. $response = $event->getKernel()->handle($request, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST, false);
  5. } catch (\Exception $e) {
  6. $f = FlattenException::createFromThrowable($e);
  7. $this->logException($e, sprintf('Exception thrown when handling an exception (%s: %s at %s line %s)', $f->getClass(), $f->getMessage(), basename($e->getFile()), $e->getLine()));
  1. $this->priority ??= $dispatcher->getListenerPriority($eventName, $this->listener);
  2. $e = $this->stopwatch->start($this->name, 'event_listener');
  3. try {
  4. ($this->optimizedListener ?? $this->listener)($event, $eventName, $dispatcher);
  5. } finally {
  6. if ($e->isStarted()) {
  7. $e->stop();
  8. }
  9. }
  1. foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
  2. if ($stoppable && $event->isPropagationStopped()) {
  3. break;
  4. }
  5. $listener($event, $eventName, $this);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. /**
  9. * Sorts the internal list of listeners for the given event by priority.
  1. } else {
  2. $listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName);
  3. }
  4. if ($listeners) {
  5. $this->callListeners($listeners, $eventName, $event);
  6. }
  7. return $event;
  8. }
  1. *
  2. * @return TEvent
  3. */
  4. public function dispatch(object $event, ?string $eventName = null): object
  5. {
  6. $event = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  7. if (!$event instanceof FlowEventAware) {
  8. return $event;
  9. }
  1. ) {
  2. }
  3. public function dispatch(object $event, ?string $eventName = null): object
  4. {
  5. $event = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  6. if (EnvironmentHelper::getVariable('DISABLE_EXTENSIONS', false)) {
  7. return $event;
  8. }
  1. }
  2. $this->dispatch($nested, $name);
  3. }
  4. }
  5. return $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  6. }
  7. /**
  8. * @param callable $listener can not use native type declaration @see https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/42283
  9. */
  1. try {
  2. $this->beforeDispatch($eventName, $event);
  3. try {
  4. $e = $this->stopwatch->start($eventName, 'section');
  5. try {
  6. $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  7. } finally {
  8. if ($e->isStarted()) {
  9. $e->stop();
  10. }
  11. }
  1. * Handles a throwable by trying to convert it to a Response.
  2. */
  3. private function handleThrowable(\Throwable $e, Request $request, int $type): Response
  4. {
  5. $event = new ExceptionEvent($this, $request, $type, $e, isKernelTerminating: $this->terminating);
  6. $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, KernelEvents::EXCEPTION);
  7. // a listener might have replaced the exception
  8. $e = $event->getThrowable();
  9. if (!$event->hasResponse()) {
  1. if ($pop = $request !== $this->requestStack->getMainRequest()) {
  2. $this->requestStack->push($request);
  3. }
  4. try {
  5. $response = $this->handleThrowable($exception, $request, self::MAIN_REQUEST);
  6. } finally {
  7. if ($pop) {
  8. $this->requestStack->pop();
  9. }
  10. }
  1. if ($hasRun) {
  2. throw $e;
  3. }
  4. $hasRun = true;
  5. $kernel->terminateWithException($e, $request);
  6. };
  7. }
  8. } elseif ($event instanceof ConsoleEvent && $app = $event->getCommand()->getApplication()) {
  9. $output = $event->getOutput();
  10. if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
in /home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/vendor/symfony/error-handler/ErrorHandler.php :: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\{closure} (line 538)
  1. $this->exceptionHandler = null;
  2. }
  3. try {
  4. if (null !== $exceptionHandler) {
  5. $exceptionHandler($exception);
  6. return;
  7. }
  8. $handlerException ??= $exception;
  9. } catch (\Throwable $handlerException) {


Too few arguments to function WmsAddressRestrict\Subscriber\AddressValidationSubscriber::__construct(), 1 passed in /home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/var/cache/dev_hc76068616ad1f7917afe2ced63bd894d/Container2TvDsTh/Shopware_Core_KernelDevDebugContainer.php on line 42900 and exactly 2 expected

  1. class AddressValidationSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
  2. {
  3. private SystemConfigService $systemConfigService;
  4. private EntityRepository $customer;
  5. public function __construct(SystemConfigService $systemConfigService,EntityRepository $customer)
  6. {
  7. $this->systemConfigService = $systemConfigService;
  8. $this->customer = $customer;
  9. }
  1. if (isset($container->privates['WmsAddressRestrict\\Subscriber\\AddressValidationSubscriber'])) {
  2. return $container->privates['WmsAddressRestrict\\Subscriber\\AddressValidationSubscriber'];
  3. }
  4. return $container->privates['WmsAddressRestrict\\Subscriber\\AddressValidationSubscriber'] = new \WmsAddressRestrict\Subscriber\AddressValidationSubscriber($a);
  5. }
  6. /**
  7. * Gets the private 'WmsApothekeCustomer\Subscriber\RegisterApothekerCustomer' shared service.
  8. *
  1. $instance->addListener('Shopware\\Core\\Checkout\\Cart\\Event\\BeforeLineItemAddedEvent', [#[\Closure(name: 'WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber')] fn () => ($container->privates['WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber'] ?? self::getCartSubscriberService($container)), 'onLineItemAdded'], 0);
  2. $instance->addListener('Shopware\\Core\\Checkout\\Cart\\Event\\CartLoadedEvent', [#[\Closure(name: 'WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber')] fn () => ($container->privates['WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber'] ?? self::getCartSubscriberService($container)), 'onCartLoaded'], 0);
  3. $instance->addListener('Shopware\\Core\\Checkout\\Customer\\Event\\CustomerRegisterEvent', [#[\Closure(name: 'WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber')] fn () => ($container->privates['WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber'] ?? self::getCartSubscriberService($container)), 'onCustomerRegistered'], 0);
  4. $instance->addListener('Shopware\\Core\\Checkout\\Cart\\Event\\CartMergedEvent', [#[\Closure(name: 'WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber')] fn () => ($container->privates['WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber'] ?? self::getCartSubscriberService($container)), 'onCartMerged'], 0);
  5. $instance->addListener('Shopware\\Core\\Checkout\\Cart\\Event\\AfterLineItemRemovedEvent', [#[\Closure(name: 'WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber')] fn () => ($container->privates['WmsMagalog\\Subscriber\\CartSubscriber'] ?? self::getCartSubscriberService($container)), 'onItemRemoved'], 0);
  6. $instance->addListener('Shopware\\Core\\Framework\\DataAbstractionLayer\\Write\\Validation\\PreWriteValidationEvent', [#[\Closure(name: 'WmsAddressRestrict\\Subscriber\\AddressValidationSubscriber')] fn () => ($container->privates['WmsAddressRestrict\\Subscriber\\AddressValidationSubscriber'] ?? self::getAddressValidationSubscriberService($container)), 'triggerChangeSet'], 0);
  7. $instance->addListener('kernel.controller_arguments', [#[\Closure(name: 'argument_resolver.request_payload', class: 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Controller\\ArgumentResolver\\RequestPayloadValueResolver')] fn () => ($container->privates['argument_resolver.request_payload'] ?? self::getArgumentResolver_RequestPayloadService($container)), 'onKernelControllerArguments'], 0);
  8. $instance->addListener('kernel.response', [#[\Closure(name: 'response_listener', class: 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\ResponseListener')] fn () => ($container->privates['response_listener'] ??= new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener('UTF-8', false)), 'onKernelResponse'], 0);
  9. $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [#[\Closure(name: 'locale_listener', class: 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleListener')] fn () => ($container->privates['locale_listener'] ?? self::getLocaleListenerService($container)), 'setDefaultLocale'], 100);
  10. $instance->addListener('kernel.request', [#[\Closure(name: 'locale_listener', class: 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleListener')] fn () => ($container->privates['locale_listener'] ?? self::getLocaleListenerService($container)), 'onKernelRequest'], 16);
  11. $instance->addListener('kernel.finish_request', [#[\Closure(name: 'locale_listener', class: 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleListener')] fn () => ($container->privates['locale_listener'] ?? self::getLocaleListenerService($container)), 'onKernelFinishRequest'], 0);
  1. $this->sorted[$eventName] = [];
  2. foreach ($this->listeners[$eventName] as &$listeners) {
  3. foreach ($listeners as &$listener) {
  4. if (\is_array($listener) && isset($listener[0]) && $listener[0] instanceof \Closure && 2 >= \count($listener)) {
  5. $listener[0] = $listener[0]();
  6. $listener[1] ??= '__invoke';
  7. }
  8. $this->sorted[$eventName][] = $listener;
  9. }
  10. }
  1. return $this->sorted[$eventName];
  2. }
  3. foreach ($this->listeners as $eventName => $eventListeners) {
  4. if (!isset($this->sorted[$eventName])) {
  5. $this->sortListeners($eventName);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. return array_filter($this->sorted);
  9. }
  1. /**
  2. * @return array<array-key, array<array-key, callable(object): void>|callable(object): void>
  3. */
  4. public function getListeners(?string $eventName = null): array
  5. {
  6. return $this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName);
  7. }
  8. public function getListenerPriority(string $eventName, callable $listener): ?int
  9. {
  10. return $this->dispatcher->getListenerPriority($eventName, $listener);
  1. /**
  2. * @return array<array-key, array<array-key, callable(object): void>|callable(object): void>
  3. */
  4. public function getListeners(?string $eventName = null): array
  5. {
  6. return $this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName);
  7. }
  8. public function getListenerPriority(string $eventName, callable $listener): ?int
  9. {
  10. /** @var callable(object): void $listener - Specify generic callback interface callers can provide more specific implementations */
  1. /**
  2. * @return array<array-key, array<array-key, callable(object): void>|callable(object): void>
  3. */
  4. public function getListeners(?string $eventName = null): array
  5. {
  6. return $this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName);
  7. }
  8. public function getListenerPriority(string $eventName, callable $listener): ?int
  9. {
  10. /** @var callable(object): void $listener - Specify generic callback interface callers can provide more specific implementations */
  1. $this->dispatcher->removeSubscriber($subscriber);
  2. }
  3. public function getListeners(?string $eventName = null): array
  4. {
  5. return $this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName);
  6. }
  7. public function getListenerPriority(string $eventName, callable|array $listener): ?int
  8. {
  9. // we might have wrapped listeners for the event (if called while dispatching)
  1. private function getListenersWithoutPriority(): array
  2. {
  3. $result = [];
  4. foreach ($this->getListeners() as $eventName => $listeners) {
  5. foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
  6. $result[$eventName][] = [$listener, null];
  7. }
  8. }
  1. }
  2. public function getNotCalledListeners(?Request $request = null): array
  3. {
  4. try {
  5. $allListeners = $this->dispatcher instanceof EventDispatcher ? $this->getListenersWithPriority() : $this->getListenersWithoutPriority();
  6. } catch (\Exception $e) {
  7. $this->logger?->info('An exception was thrown while getting the uncalled listeners.', ['exception' => $e]);
  8. // unable to retrieve the uncalled listeners
  9. return [];
  1. if (!$dispatcher instanceof TraceableEventDispatcher) {
  2. continue;
  3. }
  4. $this->setCalledListeners($dispatcher->getCalledListeners($this->currentRequest), $name);
  5. $this->setNotCalledListeners($dispatcher->getNotCalledListeners($this->currentRequest), $name);
  6. $this->setOrphanedEvents($dispatcher->getOrphanedEvents($this->currentRequest), $name);
  7. }
  8. $this->data = $this->cloneVar($this->data);
  9. }
  1. public function saveProfile(Profile $profile): bool
  2. {
  3. // late collect
  4. foreach ($profile->getCollectors() as $collector) {
  5. if ($collector instanceof LateDataCollectorInterface) {
  6. $collector->lateCollect();
  7. }
  8. }
  9. if (!($ret = $this->storage->write($profile)) && null !== $this->logger) {
  10. $this->logger->warning('Unable to store the profiler information.', ['configured_storage' => $this->storage::class]);
  1. }
  2. }
  3. // save profiles
  4. foreach ($this->profiles as $request) {
  5. $this->profiler->saveProfile($this->profiles[$request]);
  6. }
  7. $this->profiles = new \SplObjectStorage();
  8. $this->parents = new \SplObjectStorage();
  9. }
  1. $this->priority ??= $dispatcher->getListenerPriority($eventName, $this->listener);
  2. $e = $this->stopwatch->start($this->name, 'event_listener');
  3. try {
  4. ($this->optimizedListener ?? $this->listener)($event, $eventName, $dispatcher);
  5. } finally {
  6. if ($e->isStarted()) {
  7. $e->stop();
  8. }
  9. }
  1. foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
  2. if ($stoppable && $event->isPropagationStopped()) {
  3. break;
  4. }
  5. $listener($event, $eventName, $this);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. /**
  9. * Sorts the internal list of listeners for the given event by priority.
  1. } else {
  2. $listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName);
  3. }
  4. if ($listeners) {
  5. $this->callListeners($listeners, $eventName, $event);
  6. }
  7. return $event;
  8. }
  1. *
  2. * @return TEvent
  3. */
  4. public function dispatch(object $event, ?string $eventName = null): object
  5. {
  6. $event = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  7. if (!$event instanceof FlowEventAware) {
  8. return $event;
  9. }
  1. ) {
  2. }
  3. public function dispatch(object $event, ?string $eventName = null): object
  4. {
  5. $event = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  6. if (EnvironmentHelper::getVariable('DISABLE_EXTENSIONS', false)) {
  7. return $event;
  8. }
  1. }
  2. $this->dispatch($nested, $name);
  3. }
  4. }
  5. return $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  6. }
  7. /**
  8. * @param callable $listener can not use native type declaration @see https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/42283
  9. */
  1. try {
  2. $this->beforeDispatch($eventName, $event);
  3. try {
  4. $e = $this->stopwatch->start($eventName, 'section');
  5. try {
  6. $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, $eventName);
  7. } finally {
  8. if ($e->isStarted()) {
  9. $e->stop();
  10. }
  11. }
  1. public function terminate(Request $request, Response $response): void
  2. {
  3. try {
  4. $this->terminating = true;
  5. $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new TerminateEvent($this, $request, $response), KernelEvents::TERMINATE);
  6. } finally {
  7. $this->terminating = false;
  8. }
  9. }
  1. if (\in_array('fresh', $this->traces[$this->getTraceKey($request)] ?? [], true)) {
  2. return;
  3. }
  4. if ($this->getKernel() instanceof TerminableInterface) {
  5. $this->getKernel()->terminate($request, $response);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. /**
  9. * Forwards the Request to the backend without storing the Response in the cache.
  1. if (false === $this->booted) {
  2. return;
  3. }
  4. if ($this->getHttpKernel() instanceof TerminableInterface) {
  5. $this->getHttpKernel()->terminate($request, $response);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. public function shutdown(): void
  9. {
  1. } else {
  2. $response->send();
  3. }
  4. if ($this->kernel instanceof TerminableInterface) {
  5. $this->kernel->terminate($this->request, $response);
  6. }
  7. return 0;
  8. }
  9. }
  1. $app = $app(...$args);
  2. exit(
  3. $runtime
  4. ->getRunner($app)
  5. ->run()
  6. );
require_once('/home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/vendor/autoload_runtime.php') in /home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/public/index.php (line 11)
  1. use Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Kernel\KernelFactory;
  2. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
  4. require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload_runtime.php';
  5. if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../.env') && !file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../.env.dist') && !file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../.env.local.php')) {
  6. $_SERVER['APP_RUNTIME_OPTIONS']['disable_dotenv'] = true;
  7. }

Stack Traces 2

[2/2] ErrorException
Warning: session_name(): Session name cannot be changed after headers have already been sent

  at /home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/Proxy/AbstractProxy.php:96
  at Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Proxy\AbstractProxy->setName()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\NativeSessionStorage->setName()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session->setName()
  at Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Routing\StorefrontSubscriber->startSession()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener->__invoke()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->callListeners()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\FlowDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\WebhookDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Event\NestedEventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Kernel\HttpKernel->handle()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener->onKernelException()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener->__invoke()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->callListeners()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\FlowDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\WebhookDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Event\NestedEventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleThrowable()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->terminateWithException()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\{closure}()
  at Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler->handleException()                
[1/2] ArgumentCountError
Too few arguments to function WmsAddressRestrict\Subscriber\AddressValidationSubscriber::__construct(), 1 passed in /home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/var/cache/dev_hc76068616ad1f7917afe2ced63bd894d/Container2TvDsTh/Shopware_Core_KernelDevDebugContainer.php on line 42900 and exactly 2 expected

  at /home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/custom/plugins/WmsAddressRestrict/src/Subscriber/AddressValidationSubscriber.php:27
  at WmsAddressRestrict\Subscriber\AddressValidationSubscriber->__construct()
  at Container2TvDsTh\Shopware_Core_KernelDevDebugContainer::getAddressValidationSubscriberService()
  at Container2TvDsTh\Shopware_Core_KernelDevDebugContainer::Container2TvDsTh\{closure}()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->sortListeners()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->getListeners()
  at Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\FlowDispatcher->getListeners()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\WebhookDispatcher->getListeners()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Event\NestedEventDispatcher->getListeners()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->getListeners()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->getListenersWithoutPriority()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->getNotCalledListeners()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\EventDataCollector->lateCollect()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler->saveProfile()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener->onKernelTerminate()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener->__invoke()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->callListeners()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\FlowDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Webhook\WebhookDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Shopware\Core\Framework\Event\NestedEventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->terminate()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\HttpCache->terminate()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->terminate()
  at Symfony\Component\Runtime\Runner\Symfony\HttpKernelRunner->run()
  at require_once('/home/vetbwkqc/www.vetipur.de/vendor/autoload_runtime.php')