
en-GB Default locale
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Defined 90

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en-GB messages 1 shopStudioBlog.storefront.listing.sorting.sortByPublishedAtDesc Published at (Newest first)
en-GB messages 1 shopStudioBlog.storefront.listing.sorting.sortByPublishedAtAsc Published at (Oldest first)
en-GB messages 1 shopStudioBlog.storefront.listing.sorting.sortByUpdatedAtDesc Updated at (Newest first)
en-GB messages 1 shopStudioBlog.storefront.listing.sorting.sortByUpdatedAtAsc Updated at (Oldest first)
en-GB messages 1 shopStudioBlog.storefront.listing.sorting.sortByNameAsc Name (A-Z)
en-GB messages 1 shopStudioBlog.storefront.listing.sorting.sortByNameDesc Name (Z-A)
en-GB messages 1 shopStudioBlog.storefront.listing.sorting.sortByScore Best match
en-GB messages 1 general.noscriptNotice To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser.
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.layout.preloader.loading Loading
en-GB messages 4 account.loginSubmit Log in
en-GB messages 2 account.orRegister or
en-GB messages 4 account.orRegisterLink Sign up
en-GB messages 2 header.logoLink Go to homepage
en-GB messages 3 general.menuLink Menu
en-GB messages 2 header.searchPlaceholder Enter search term...
en-GB messages 3 header.searchButton Search
en-GB messages 3 header.wishlist Wishlist
en-GB messages 4 account.myAccount Your account
en-GB messages 1 Your credit
en-GB messages 2 account.overviewLink Overview
en-GB messages 2 account.profileLink Your profile
en-GB messages 2 account.addressLink Addresses
en-GB messages 2 account.paymentLink Payment methods
en-GB messages 2 account.ordersLink Orders
en-GB messages 2 dvsn-affiliate.account.sidebar.title Partner program
en-GB messages 2 cogi-friends.account.referFriends Refer friends
en-GB messages 3 checkout.cartTitle Shopping cart
en-GB messages 42 *
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.general.moreLink More
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.general.lessLink Less
en-GB messages 1 general.homeLink Home
en-GB messages 1 general.categories Categories
en-GB messages 13 general.previous Previous
en-GB messages 13 Next
en-GB messages 11 detail.reviewAvgRatingAltText Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
en-GB messages 55 listing.addToWishlist Add to wishlist
en-GB messages 18 listing.removeFromWishlist Remove from wishlist
en-GB messages 34 zentheme.listing.quickview Quickview
en-GB messages 16 listing.boxUnitLabel Content:
en-GB messages 17 Wms.custom.stockavailable Immediately available
en-GB messages 17 listing.listingTextFrom From
en-GB messages 17 listing.boxAddProduct Add to shopping cart
en-GB messages 18 zentheme.general.minusLabel minus
en-GB messages 18 component.product.quantitySelect.label Quantity
en-GB messages 18 zentheme.general.plusLabel plus
en-GB messages 1 Wms.custom.stockfew Few still available
en-GB messages 1 detail.dataColumnQuantity Quantity
en-GB messages 1 detail.dataColumnPrice Unit price
en-GB messages 1 detail.dataColumnReferencePrice Base price
en-GB messages 3 detail.priceDataInfoUntil To
en-GB messages 1 detail.priceDataInfoFrom From
en-GB messages 1 general.grossTaxInformation Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs
en-GB messages 3 detail.addProduct Add to shopping cart
en-GB messages 1 detail.priceUnitName Content:
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterPanelResetAll Reset all
en-GB messages 1 general.sortingLabel Sorting
en-GB messages 3 Read post
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.footer.newsletterHeadline Newsletter
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.footer.newsletterContent Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions.
en-GB messages 1 newsletter.labelMail Email address
en-GB messages 2 general.required *
en-GB messages 1 newsletter.placeholderMail Enter email address...
en-GB messages 1 general.formSubmit Submit
en-GB messages 1 general.privacyTitle Privacy
en-GB messages 1 general.privacyNoticeText By selecting continue you confirm that you have read our <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/5fb5cd3a1d7e4fde8a892840769c7936" href="/en/widgets/cms/5fb5cd3a1d7e4fde8a892840769c7936" title="Data protection information">data protection information</a> and accepted our <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/fd10ed60a2844272b6ae1ffc1eed2eea" href="/en/widgets/cms/fd10ed60a2844272b6ae1ffc1eed2eea" title="general terms and conditions">general terms and conditions</a>.
en-GB messages 1 footer.serviceHotlineHeadline Service hotline
en-GB messages 1 footer.serviceHotline Order and counselling via: <a href="tel:0044-(0)800-2792889">0044-(0)800-2792889</a> Available for free 24/7
en-GB messages 1 footer.serviceContactText Or via our <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/705895b1a1274751adf73ade8d8a930b" href="/en/widgets/cms/705895b1a1274751adf73ade8d8a930b" title="Contact form">contact form</a>.
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialFacebookUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialTwitterUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialYoutubeUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialVimeoUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialPinterestUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialInstagramUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialFlickrUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialLinkedInUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialXingUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialWhatsappUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialTelegramUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialAmazonUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialTikTokUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.stratus.content.socialRSSUrl
en-GB messages 1 zentheme.general.copyright © 2024 Fairvital - with <span class="icon icon-heart icon-xs"><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M16 29.104l-1.938-1.75c-6.875-6.25-11.375-10.313-11.375-15.375 0-4.125 3.188-7.313 7.313-7.313 2.313 0 4.563 1.125 6 2.813 1.438-1.688 3.688-2.813 6-2.813 4.125 0 7.313 3.188 7.313 7.313 0 5.063-4.5 9.188-11.375 15.438z"></path></svg></span> by <a href="" title="" rel="dofollow noopener" target="_blank">WMS</a>
en-GB messages 1 wmscustomize.newsletter.popup Newsletter and save 15%!
en-GB messages 1 footer.includeVatText * All prices incl. VAT plus <a data-ajax-modal="true" href="/en/widgets/cms/2e3005a6fe7d46d68012e82fb34ab5fe" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/2e3005a6fe7d46d68012e82fb34ab5fe">shipping costs</a> and possible delivery charges, if not stated otherwise.
en-GB messages 1 cookie.messageText This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/5fb5cd3a1d7e4fde8a892840769c7936" href="/en/widgets/cms/5fb5cd3a1d7e4fde8a892840769c7936" title="More information">More information...</a>
en-GB messages 1 cookie.deny Only technically required
en-GB messages 1 cookie.configure Configure
en-GB messages 1 cookie.acceptAll Accept all cookies
en-GB messages 1 general.back Back

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.